Want to Know the Key Traits Linking Courage to Success?

At the end of your life, your final defining moment will reveal your integral level of courage consciousness.

People Who Exhibit Higher Integral Levels of Courage Consciousness:

  • They are willing to give themselves permission to claim their courage.
  • They distinguish and aptly apply the 12 behaviors of courage found on the Source Wheel diagram.
  • They have a fierce resolve to act and to be advocates (BTW, mentors escort associates to the threshold of power; advocates apply action to pull them through).
  • They squash status quo and mediocrity.
  • They understand a higher level of courage consciousness called “where courage meets grace.”
  • They establish higher standards; in other words, they do not focus on the lowest denominator.
  • They are conscious of the suffering in their lives portrayed by the false Self (content); hence, they learned to migrate to a higher integral level of courage consciousness that reside in their true Self (context). Most of us continue to reshuffle the content and not see the bigger picture in the context. (What do I mean by “suffering?” Suffering lives in resistance. How much is your soul worth?)
  • They are curious rather than complacent.
  • They live in acceptance as a matter of free-will rather than resignation.
  • They know that when obstacles are surrendered, their true Self prevails.
  • They consciously declared a declaration of courageous intention such as using the word to define their life journey.
  • They know that the greater the challenge, the greater the courage consciousness is required, such as self-discipline.
  • They know that mistakes help one retain humility.

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