Speaking from the Heart–That’s Courage!


Recently, a man wrote to me: “I have noticed that when I speak from my heart and not just from my head, the message gets through more clearly and with more effect. I usually don’t say anything unless I feel moved to do so. Sometimes this works well, but other times I do have the regret that I didn’t speak up. I have to do better about recognizing whether what I want to say is from the head or the heart!”

Notice when your voice fades, then start to monitor the missed opportunities. If you are not stepping up, you are probably sliding back into the old habits and scripts that have prevented your growth all along, perpetuating obstacles like ambiguity. People know the power of truthfulness; they know when they give direct answers or confront a truth, they release positive energy, no matter how difficult that truth may be to accept. This verve is the backbone of courage, the opposite of the ambiguity that sets in when people are afraid to confront an uncomfortable truth. Do you mince words or tell it like it is?

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