Etymology of Courage

Etymology of Courage. Courage originates from the Old French corage, meaning “heart and spirit.” I apply this original definition to my life. Do you?

Becoming aware of the behaviors and rewards of courage, I feel more empowered to be discerning and better able to respond to my inherent energy of courage. The word virtue (virs) in Latin means “energy.” Hiding my courage drains my energy, but when I recognize and act on my courage my reservoir overflows with the energy of courage. My courage reservoir is full when I turn down a piece of business because it doesn’t feel like the right fit. When I constantly ask, “Am I being true to who I am?” I know that I am applying the virtue of courage to my life.

Our work culture does not value slowing down to lead a contemplative life, but that is exactly what we must do to rediscover joy in the workplace. Paradoxically, slowing down enables you to accomplish more at work because you are more focused; hence, you work more effectively. And slowing down could be the single most effective action to initiate your courage: it allows you to live from the center of your being, from your heart and spirit.

What would happen if you stopped for ten minutes right now?

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