Courage Blog


Who’s in Control of Your Life?

A female coaching client shared with me that she feels her life seems to belong to someone else. She said, “Many times, I feel that I am ‘doing’ everything I don’t really want to do. I always wonder: Where did the time go? Who’s in control of my life?” Welcome to the culture you (we) created! There’s only one enemy

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Feminine Energy: A Force to Be Reckoned With

Our feminine energy is the power of our hearts and spirits to choose courage as a way of living. Choosing courage means not needing to be defined by the opinions of others or to gain the approval of others. Each journey begins by choosing new thoughts and attitudes and describing them through language. Conscious choice requires taking responsibility for the

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How to Catch a Little Courage for a New Career

Sold your soul (again!)? Call it what you want, but you know the feeling. You’ve been at your job for over five years and you’re stuck. It’s all you talk about—how you’re uninspired, how your talents aren’t appreciated, how you feel invisible …. But talk is cheap, and if you don’t step up and do something about it (updating your

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Simple Courage Offers an Opportunity for Reflection and No Regrets

Once in a while something makes me stop and reflect on the lost courage I have accumulated in my life. Much of the accumulative suffering is couched in regrets. Regrets represent lost courage, usually layered in blame. Do you have the courage to confront this question: “What percentage of your spirit is filled with regrets?


Courage and Leadership, a Smart Lifestyle Choice

Notice reality, choose and then act on your choices. When you begin to live in the present you can recognize when you are selling your soul. For example, people assume that finding a new job will be difficult, so they remain complacent, mistakenly believing—or simply hoping—that things will change. Yet, in reality, situations seldom change by themselves. To show courage,

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Techniques to “Start Being” Courageous

Want to be happier and more successful? First, it starts with being courageous. I am not talking about jumping from high buildings like Superman. I am talking about making smart choices and supporting yourself with self-management techniques and good friends. Here are some discussion points and action items you can do alone or with friends: Start Being: Start saying: “I

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“I Never Think of the Word COURAGE!

There’s a reason Aristotle said, “Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others.” Why would you and your clients wish to uncover, validate and sustain a personal reservoir of courage? One attendee shared this insight with me: “Thanks for opening my eyes to the world of courage! I never think of this

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By Nature, Women Are Not Courageous, Really!

Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you’ll be criticized anyway. – Eleanor Roosevelt A Courage Blueprint By gaining control over blueprints that governs a woman’s belief system women everywhere can foster feminine courage and pass it on to the next generation. Three examples of embedded beliefs that dismiss a woman’s courage: Being “lady-like” has been

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Nose to the Grindstone—Are You Spending Your Time Wisely?

There’s only one enemy hovering silently in your life. What’s that, you ask? Time! Watch people. They’re totally overwhelmed trying to control their work and personal schedules. Trapped in the domination of Enemy Number One, you can see them sulking and hear them huffing: “I’m sooooo busy! I have too much to do, and no time to do it!” Do

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How Courage Boosters or Busters Make or Break and Organization

Courage is often considered taking bold life or death actions: someone who runs into a burning building to save a child or lands a plane on the Hudson with no deaths, as Captain Sully Sullenberger did. But there are everyday examples that demonstrate courageous actions—the actions that reveal our heart and spirit (the original definition of courage) such as taking

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