Courage Blog


When You Are Called, Will You Be Courageous?

The word “courage” seems to be such a “big” word in our culture since it is frequently associated with sensationalism and tragic circumstances; yet, it simply means, “heart.” On the extreme, courage is associated with the whistle blowers witnessed at WorldCom and Enron. Too me, “simply courage” is best quoted by Robert Louis Stevenson: “Everyday courage has few witnesses. But

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The Language of Courage

Words are a form of action, capable of influencing change. — Ingrid Bengis “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” This old adage is false. Because words are so powerful, they can hurt you, but they can also get you positive results at work, such as increased productivity, improved morale, enhanced project effectiveness, a

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Accumulative Drops of Kindness and Courage

“Everyone has the opportunity to contribute harmony and beauty by kindness to others and thereby support the human spirit. That which is freely given to life flows back to us because we are equally part of that life. Like ripples on the water, every gift returns to the giver. What we affirm in others, we actually affirm in ourselves.” –David

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Qualities of Courageous Leadership

Once upon a time (all stories start that way), you recognized the behavior patterns of courage, such as… The courage to chart a different path—alone! So, when your time comes to pass on you can say, “I danced my dance!” The courage to say, “I don’t see this situation that way. It’s wrong, and here’s why.” The courage to act

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Courage Works for ME! Does Courage Work for YOU?

My gifted and beautiful 15 year-old niece told me she aspired to go to Columbia University and be an astronaut. She said, “My courage will need to go to work for me!” Hope she reads my second book The COURAGE Difference at Work. #courageatwork #selfdirected #discipline


Shattered Spirit


Personal Leadership Skills to Catapult Your Career

“Without a clear Declaration of Courageous Intention (DCI), leadership blindly succumbs to status quo.” “Doing” generally involves a list of things to accomplish: earn another certification, land a new account, secure another promotion while working from home. In fact, our fast-challenging culture encourages us to identify ourselves by what we do. Unfortunately, doing can become a career trap with the

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Courage Is Every Woman’s Birthright

“The courage that is every woman’s birthright has been forgotten in a world where women’s virtues are devalued. Yet, with women changing roles and stereotypes, a new feminine energy is merging. Historians call these turning points in history ‘open moments.’ Acknowledging ourselves as courageous marks the spot. How much do you have to lose if you do not take steps

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How to Up Your Success Quotient in Finding Future Leaders

Succession planning, or passing the baton of leadership, is a big priority for many organizations. Yet, so many HR executives spend their time just putting out fires trying to quickly hire talent for a given job or bringing the candidate back nine times fearful they may not make the perfect hire. Often, they’re interviewing future leaders by asking traditional interview

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Lost Voice

Our relationships are defined by the conversations we have (or do not have) with the people in our lives. How often do you swallow your voice? Courage comes from the medieval Old French word corage, meaning “heart and spirit.” When you speak from your heart and spirit you are being true to yourself. Simply using the word “courage” to describe

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