Courage Blog


Are You Too Big for Your Britches Part I

(Or Are You Just Demonstrating Feminine Courage)? Few women regard facing an average workday as a courageous feat. Why? Traditionally, only facing fear under perilous circumstances is labeled courageous. Running into a burning building to save a pet, pushing a pedestrian out of the way of a speeding car, or tackling a robber in flight are readily accepted instances of

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Courage and Discernment

Discernment means a time to reflect or stop in order to distinguish between differences or perceptions. There are numerous discernment definitions on the Web. Discernment in Wikipedia means “to describe the process of discerning God’s will for one’s life.” As a practicing contemplative, for me it means being able to respond to my highest “courageous will” (as Spirit intended). Coming

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Permission to Be Me!

I had an email from a woman that read: “I just landed a great job! For the first time, I negotiated my salary to my satisfaction. I didn’t give my talents away for fear of not being hired. At 48 years-old, I feel proud that I gave myself permission to be me. Why did it take me so long to

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Amazing Courage!

Learning a new skill, balancing work and family, or transitioning to a new industry is rarely celebrated as stories of courage. Everyday courage has been relegated to the mundane. Isn’t that a shame? We should be in awe of the heroes of amazing stories of courage…and of our neighbor’s everyday courage as well! Over the years I have gathered examples

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Courage and New Beginnings

By Sandra Ford Walston, The Courage Expert  WE ALL SEEM to feel the shifts of uncertainty that are occurring at multiple levels in our lives including our spirit. Acknowledging these feelings about how we live our lives will hopefully open up an opportunity to stop and reflect about our behavior patterns. Ask yourself: Are you stuck in denial, apathy, self-doubt

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Foaming at the Mouth

“Charms for the Easy Life” is a made-for-television movie about three women (played by Gena Rowlands, Mimi Rogers and Susan May Pratt) who defy gender roles during World War II. Gena Rowlands plays the role of a successful and astute holistic doctor without a medical license. If a patient died who was known for lying or deceitfulness, she would ask

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Power of Language

WORDS ARE POWERFUL. They can help or hurt you. They can get you positive results or break your heart. Your words create your reality. When you speak, you engage in a performative act. Speaking is performing—meaning your can make something happen. Promises, requests, offers, or words to persuade are performances that provoke action. You use words as a means to

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A Time to Renew One’s Spirit in Courageous Will

Spring is a time of rebirth, renewal and optimism for a beautiful life—one that is filled with heart and spirit—the etymology of the word courage. Spring is a time to dye to the false Self and welcome the true Self. Planting a seed in your spirit called “courageous will” supports you to grow and rejoice allowing you to awaken this

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Exercise Courage and Benefit in 12 Ways

Courage is about acting from your heart and spirit—from the center of your being—the true identity hidden beneath the false self of the ego. By delving into the heart and spirit of your true identity, you begin to recognize your innate courage as well as the ego’s insidious control mechanisms, which capitalize on fear and insecurity. As you recognize the

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Courage-Centering at Work

Regardless of your position or title at work, ask yourself these questions to determine how you demonstrate courage-centering at work:  Do my employees or peers perceive me as courageous?  Do I feel a sense of joy in my work?  What leadership archetype would employees ascribe to me, such as the “boss, caregiver, mentor, perfectionist, sage,” etc.?  Do I strive above

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