Courage Blog


9 Courageous Leadership Questions to Apply at Work

  You’re too intimidated to have that overdue conversation so you utilize a form of ambiguity? You’re a manager whose style of managing is hands-off. This way you don’t have to suggest ideas that might offend, be misunderstood or be accountable. Whether you’re a manager, human resource director or CEO, you are often required (hard-pressed) to engage in the awkward,

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Doesn’t Everything Die?

  “Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” — Mary Oliver, American poet, “The Summer Day”



  “People are only heroes when they can’t do anything else.” — Paul Claudel, French writer


The Test of Courage

“Courage is not limited to the battlefield or the Indianapolis 500 or bravely catching a thief in your house. The real tests of courage are much quieter. They are the inner tests, like remaining faithful when nobody’s looking, like enduring pain when the room is empty, like standing alone when you’re misunderstood.” — Charles Swindoll


Expectations—A Courage Buster

In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy stumbled along the Yellow Brick Road with her three friends and Toto only to learn at the end of her journey that she had had the power to fulfill her dream all along. Are you stumbling along a career path because of pre-defined expectations? Have you fallen asleep in the poppy field? Will you

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Claiming Your Courage During Scary Times

  Courage is much more complex than spontaneous reactions to traumatic events. Most people, particularly women, seem so surprised when I share that only 11% of women perceived themselves as courageous out of over 750 women surveyed nationwide. Why? Women are more inclined to see courage in other women than have the capability of defining it, much less claiming courage in ourselves. One

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Acts of Courage

  “Acts of courage awaken the soul to its own innate power which it will need to reach the ultimate awareness.” –David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. author of The Eye of the I


FACE IT! To Forgive Someone Takes Courage

  Throughout our lives we have an opportunity to forgive people. FACE IT! The gift of forgiving allows for a huge opportunity to grow the spirit. What is forgiveness? How do you go about forgiving? What happens when you actually go ahead and forgive? Forgiving requires a courageous choice. The courageous choice is whether you are willing to consent to

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Grace or Gadgets?

  “We cannot get grace from gadgets.”   — John Boynton Priestley, OM (13 September 1894 – 14 August 1984), known as J. B. Priestley, was an English novelist, playwright and broadcaster.


How Women Are Interdependently Connected

Queen Boudica courageously battled the occupying armies of Rome, but the Roman historians wrote her story from the angle that best suited their purposes. History has frequently glorified the wrong people, thereby controlling society’s perceptions. Like Florence Nightingale, many courageous women of the past held high their lamps of courage and refused to be deterred by other people’s negativity or

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