Courage Blog


Finding the Courage to Shift Your Scripts

You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself. — Galileo Learning advances when there’s a shift in scripts. The scripts I am referring to are the mind patterns you bring to work. Scripts reveal a set of beliefs that you hold about yourself, how the world works (worldview) and versions of them when

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Dizzy Dean: “It ain’t braggin’ if you can do it!”

  Many women think that speaking or acting in courage demonstrates offensive behavior even if they are conveying the truth. I call this tendency the “too syndrome”—too assertive, too independent, too intense, too bold, too honest, too smart. Ironically, when men demonstrate the same kind of behavior, they identify with baseball’s Dizzy Dean: “It ain’t braggin’ if you can do

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Courageous Leadership—Dietrich Bonhoeffer Hanged Nude at 39—A Portrait

  History frequently glorifies the wrong individuals while overlooking the courageous acts of everyday people. Through intimidation, social, political and religious powerbrokers control perceptions and perpetuate the stories that serve their agendas. Few human beings have ever faced the level of intimidation (one of twelve obstacles to courageous leadership) that Dietrich Bonhoeffer faced in Nazi Germany. A German pastor and

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5 Actions to Integrate Higher Courage Consciousness

  If you choose to be a person who demonstrates higher integral levels of courage consciousness you must be willing to step up and invite in a new behavior—one that leaves a mark, one that leaves a legacy—one filled with courage! The word “courage” comes from the French word corage, meaning “heart and spirit,” which tells us that acting with

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Forgiving Someone Takes Courage

  Throughout our lives we have an opportunity to forgive people. The gift of forgiving allows for a huge opportunity to grow the spirit. What is forgiveness? How do you go about forgiving? What happens when you actually go ahead and forgive? Forgiving requires a courageous choice. The courageous choice is whether you are willing to consent to this healing.

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Women and Courage at Work—The Label Trap

  In today’s business world, courage has a much deeper meaning and a more relevant role for women such as the family-career balancing act, difficulty with confrontation, reentering the workplace, political finesse, undermining other women and releasing the way people judge women who stand in their “originality.” When women exhibit courage in the workplace, such as taking a stand on

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Unlimited Courage

Recently, a friend had purchased several of my Courage The Heart and Spirit of Every Woman/Reclaiming the Forgotten Virtue books as gifts. She asked if we could have lunch so I could write a personal message and autograph each of them. About a month later, I received an e-mail from one of the women who had received the books. I

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Are You Really Too Busy to Write a Thank-You Note?

  No one is ever too important or too busy to send a written “thank you” in a thank-you card! Yet, I am continually surprised at how few thank-you notes are sent these days.  Sure you can go the free and easy route using email with a thank-you image, Facebook messages or Bitmojis, but these options don’t display the personal

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Passing Feminine Courage to the Next Generation

  “Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you’ll be criticized anyway.” – Eleanor Roosevelt  A Courage Blueprint By gaining control over blueprints that governs a woman’s belief system women everywhere can foster courage. Being “lady-like” is one societal perception deeply imbedded in the psyche of our culture. The lady-like woman is focused on others and

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Exercise Your Courage!