

Hell in the Hallway–Are You Forcing the Right Choices?

Learn the alchemy true human beings know. The moment you accept what troubles you’ve been given, the door will open. — Rumi “When one door closes, another door opens.” How many of us have heard that statement when facing a particularly difficult obstacle? If you are in the midst of dealing with a difficult member of your team, confronting a

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Courage and Caring: Steps in Nursing Excellence

And while it takes courage to achieve greatness, it takes more courage to find fulfillment in being ordinary. For the joys that last have little relationship to achievement, to standing one step higher on the victory platform. What is the adventure in being ordinary? It is daring to love just for the pleasure of giving it away. It is venturing

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The Original Definition of Courage

Thoughts on the original definition of courage: Etymology of Courage Courage originates from the Old French corage, meaning “heart and spirit.” I apply this original definition to my life. Do you? Becoming aware of the behaviors and rewards of courage, I feel more empowered to be discerning and better able to respond to my inherent energy of courage. The word

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In My Eleventh-Hour: “I Wish I’d Had More Courage”

By Sandra Ford Walston, The Courage Expert No one has looked back sadly on a life full of experiences, but many look back wishing they had had the courage to do more. — Anonymous Working as a hospice volunteer for more than eight years, I have witnessed a variety of outcomes during a patient’s final moments, commonly referred to as

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Root of Courage

Root of Courage One of the four cardinal virtues of the Classical world, courage has diminished in importance in these postmodern times as most people equate this important virtue with acts of bravado in the face of fear. By limiting courage in this way, we fail to perceive the courageous aspects of exploring new ideas for a project, breaking from

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Embrace Your Courage During Times of Uncertainty

The biggest obstacle faced by today’s employees can be summed up in two words: unprecedented uncertainty. Failure to acknowledge this new reality is to live in denial and risk not just personal success but a company’s success and survival. Thinking differently and being willing to challenge self-doubt during times of uncertainty requires courage. We all know that uncertainty is an

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4 Steps to Becoming a Courageous Leader

Decision points compose a person’s life. They expose how you shift your scripts and step up the next rung of the ladder. This ancient Chinese Proverb rings in my heart: “He who hesitates before each step spends his life on one leg.” Try these exercises to flush out your scripts: Think of a situation where you were proud of yourself.

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Simple Courage Offers an Opportunity for Reflection and No Regrets

Occasionally something makes me stop and reflect on the lost courage I have accumulated in my life. Much of the accumulative suffering is couched in regrets. Regrets represent lost courage, usually layered in blame. Do you have the courage to confront this question: “What percentage of your spirit is filled with regrets?


Want to know the Key Traits Linking Courage to Success?

At the end of your life, your final defining moment will reveal your integral level of courage consciousness. People Who Exhibit Higher Integral Levels of Courage Consciousness: They are willing to give themselves permission to claim their courage. They distinguish and aptly apply the 12 behaviors of courage found on the Source Wheel diagram. They have a fierce resolve to act and

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Are You a Word En-courager?

When a woman undermines another woman we undermine ALL women. Are you “a word en-courager”–one who lifts the spirit of another woman or do you practice and perpetuate “woman’s inhumanity to woman?” Take the time to lift the spirit of a precious woman. #courage #couragecoach #couragespeaker