

Have You Checked Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Lately?

By Sandra Ford Walston It didn’t surprise me I was lured into Daniel Goleman’s book titled: Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More than IQ. It became quite apparent after a nerve-wrecking incident that I needed to learn how to become more emotionally smart. On a late Saturday night, while I was designing a new training program (exciting life), I

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HELLO, SATURN! HELLO, NEPTUNE! Communicating with People from Another Planet

HAVE YOU EVER wondered why breakdowns in communication with people regularly occur in our daily lives?  Have you found yourself thinking, “We speak the same language, but we’re just not connecting?” This sense of disengagement with another can cause stress, wastes precious time and embeds in our mind perceptions that may or may not be true. These disconnections certainly short-circuit

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Genius in Gray Areas

“Successful leaders in Degussa, a German company, must have courage, determination, and a strong backbone,” wrote Fast Company, which profiled the company in an article about how to “Invest in a Courageous Culture.” The magazine wrote, “Degussa views bravery and audacity as essential corporate virtues, and it trains all of its managers to embrace those qualities.” That kind of courage, to be bold and audacious,  counts on genius. Genius should not be

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Designing Courageous Leadership

Designing Courage There is a direct correlation between your success quotient and your courage quotient. Sony Corporation believes customers want choices, so they design many options. Other organizations such as 3M and Disney instill daily “gray shade attributes” to seek and stimulate creative design. Creative people such as artists understand this abyss. They know inspiration hides in the paradox that

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Leadership in Reactive Times

It’s better to be a crystal to shine for a moment and risk getting shattered to bits than live a hundred years as a tile on a roof. — Chinese saying DURING PROACTIVE TIMES, leaders generally become advocates of the causes they deem critical and then design the objectives to achieve those goals, such as implementing knowledge transfer programs, pushing innovation and

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Courage to Confess

If you have been reading my courage blogs I have featured a variety of topics, such as “Times of Indecision,” “Permission to be BIG,” “Who Controls Your Life?” and “Awakening Your Voice to Courage.” In this courage blog I ask you, “Do you willingly confess your shortcomings, mishaps or missteps?” By confessing, I don’t mean your “sins.” For example, how

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Times of Indecision

Most people, particularly women, seem so surprised when I share that only 11% of women perceived themselves as courageous out of over 750 survey forms distributed nationally. Why? Women are more inclined to see it in other women than have the capability of defining it, much less claiming courage in ourselves. One woman said, “I don’t feel my parents, much

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Courage to be BIG!

Maybe it’s time to be the real you. No one ever went to their grave joyfully embracing all their accumulative regrets! Be courageous! Give yourself permission to be BIG. Why is it so hard to be all that we can be? We rarely seem to remember those moments when we were “BIG”—not arrogant, but full of “true self”—when inner purpose

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Who Controls Your Life?

What consumes your time? In an O, Magazine issue, Oprah wrote: “How you spend your time defines who you are. I try not to waste time—because I don’t want to waste myself.” Does it seem that everyone but you runs your life? A coaching client shared that she feels her life seems to belong to someone else. She said, “Many

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Sandra Walston Advises Women to Own Courage!

By Jill H. Lawrence Courage coach, Sandra Ford Walston, totally understands why the Cowardly Lion in the 1939 classic film, “The Wizard of Oz,” was so desperately searching for courage. “We all dream of Oz. Courage is a valuable commodity,” Walston points out. “Those who own courage and recognize it in themselves operate at the next level. This makes life

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