

Power of Language

WORDS ARE POWERFUL. They can help or hurt you. They can get you positive results or break your heart. Your words create your reality. When you speak, you engage in a performative act. Speaking is performing—meaning your can make something happen. Promises, requests, offers, or words to persuade are performances that provoke action. You use words as a means to

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A Time to Renew One’s Spirit in Courageous Will

Spring is a time of rebirth, renewal and optimism for a beautiful life—one that is filled with heart and spirit—the etymology of the word courage. Spring is a time to dye to the false Self and welcome the true Self. Planting a seed in your spirit called “courageous will” supports you to grow and rejoice allowing you to awaken this

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Exercise Courage and Benefit in 12 Ways

Courage is about acting from your heart and spirit—from the center of your being—the true identity hidden beneath the false self of the ego. By delving into the heart and spirit of your true identity, you begin to recognize your innate courage as well as the ego’s insidious control mechanisms, which capitalize on fear and insecurity. As you recognize the

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Courage-Centering at Work

Regardless of your position or title at work, ask yourself these questions to determine how you demonstrate courage-centering at work:  Do my employees or peers perceive me as courageous?  Do I feel a sense of joy in my work?  What leadership archetype would employees ascribe to me, such as the “boss, caregiver, mentor, perfectionist, sage,” etc.?  Do I strive above

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Finding the Courage to Shift Your Scripts

You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself. — Galileo 1.  Be willing to endure the anguish that comes with transitions. Psychologists suggest it takes three weeks to start breaking old habits such as when you’re stressed over a project you bite your nails. Becoming an observer of your stories requires concentration. Placing

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Exercise Courage

When you face diminishing opportunities, obstacles seem larger than life. But when you tap into your personal courage, you can overcome uncertainty, intimidation, denial, apathy, and doubt. In history, we find people who overcame obstacles that make our hardships pale by comparison. Can you learn how to overcome obstacles? I attest: You have the courage within you to overcome any

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Pacing in the Hallway

Learn the alchemy true human beings know. The moment you accept what troubles you’ve been given, the door will open. — Rumi “When one door closes, another door opens.” How many of us have heard that statement when facing a particularly difficult obstacle? If you are in the midst of dealing with a difficult member of your team, confronting a

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3 More Cousins to Courage


The Importance of Courage at Work

In today’s business world, the importance of everyday courage cannot be over-emphasized, especially for those of us who must balance the demands of family and career. Consider these very real situations. •  Behind closed doors, a manager bullies and denigrates an employee. •  The best-qualified person is passed over for a promotion (again). •  An employee realizes that he has

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The Final Four (of Twelve) Tips for Entrepreneurs to Apply Everyday Courage

Risk-taker…imaginative…venturesome…visionary…industrious…opportunistic—such are the expressions most people use to describe an entrepreneur. While these descriptions are usually accurate, many people fail to see entrepreneurs for what they really are: the embodiment of courage. Entrepreneurs know there is a direct correlation between success and their courageous leadership quotient. Entrepreneurs represent the true portraits of courageous endeavor. Why? Rather than accept the status

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