

Spiritual Courage at Work—An Inside Job!

To recognize everyday courage, it helps to distinguish the various facets of courage. There is physical courage (the one our culture identifies with the most), political courage, leadership courage, moral courage, and personal courage, to name a few. Some of us manifest certain types of courage well but come up short in other areas. In this article, I will expand

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Courageous Leadership: Step Up to Your Next Level Top Headlines Courage Leadership: Step Up to Your Next Level by Sandra Ford Walston, The Courage Expert Opportunities for courage leadership at work occur nearly every day. From speaking up during a company meeting toovercoming an obstacle that hinders professional advancement, these instances are often the defining moments of a person’s career. Unfortunately, most people do not claim courage

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Courageous Leadership—the Ethical Behaviors

Author: Mark S. Kennedy MA, Human Resources Consultant, Poudre Valley Health Systems The theme of CHAHRM’s Annual Conference held in Breckenridge, Colorado on June 6-8, 2012 was “Being Courageous in HR”.  The keynote speaker for the Conference, Sandra Ford Walston, The Courage Expert, is an internationally recognized speaker on courageous leadership. Sandra opened the conference with an engaging presentation entitled, “Courageous

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Cultivate Courage: Develop Six Components

THERE IS A STRONG correlation between courageous leadership and success. YHere’s how you can cultivate the six components at work. 1.  Clarity: Look for clues about your inner calling. Think about a time and an issue that excited and animated you. You’ve likely experienced this positive energy at some point. Perhaps you have all but forgotten this experience; but if

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Connecting With Courageous Leadership

Courage Expert Sandra Ford Walston shared her insights and expertise at Agrium Place, Canada, May 2012. Here are some highlights:   “Courage will never become an app.” That’s one of many pithy nuggets of wisdom that more than 100 Agrium employees in Calgary, Alberta were treated to earlier this month, courtesy of The Courage Expert, Sandra Ford Walston. Most people say,

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10 Actions to Do to Live a Courageous Life

1.  Use the word, and use it again! “Everyday courage” is not an oxymoron. Show how your courage is revealed when speaking up, revealing convictions and taking a risk, and so on. 2.  Invite the etymology of the word, which means “heart and spirit.” Then ask: “Will you give yourself permission to claim your courage (and become a model)?” 3. 

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“Courage and Heroes”

A conversation with Sandra Ford Walston, The Courage Expert and innovator of StuckThinking™ is an Organizational Effectiveness Consultant, Trainer and a courage coach. Her initial courage research focused on the feminine behaviors of courage. Now, after sixteen years of research, she conveys the male and female insights on the merits of courage at work. Below is an excerpt from a recent

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Courage Leadership—A Lifestyle Choice

Courage leadership is a lifestyle choice. Ask yourself: “Why would I want to exhibit the efficiency that courage leadership enables?” You will discover that there is an direct correlation between your “courage quotient” and your “success quotient.” When you begin to live in the present you can recognize when you are selling your soul. For example, people assume that finding

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Segment #12: Embrace Faith

Wouldn’t it be nice if you knew a saint, such as St. Teresa of Avila? You could meet for a cup of herbal tea and talk about the aspects of working in an enlightened work environment. Hold on! Saints started out as ordinary people; then, their purpose unfolded. The difference between the saints and most of us is that they

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Segment #11: Overcome Illness or Loss

1.  Do the challenges you face seem so daunting that you have allowed your unique talents and unlimited potential to wither away in neglect? 2.  Has self-neglect robbed you of the inner strength to act in your own best interests? If you answered “Yes” to either of these questions, you can begin to strengthen your spirit and overcome the obstacle

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