

A Woman’s Steadfast Courage

  “Indeed, we will know that we have achieved equality when women are noted and praised for their unique brand of steadfast courage.” –Sandra Ford Walston, COURAGE The Heart and Spirit of Every Woman 


Being or Doing, That is the Question?

  “When you come from your being (rather than you’re doing), you identify with your deeper Self and claim the courage that empowers you to confront others’ limiting perceptions; paradoxically, it also allows you to let go of your attachment to those perceptions and move beyond them.” From FACE IT! 12 Obstacles that Hold You Back on the Job



  “Faced with what is right, to leave it undone shows a lack of courage.” — Confucius, Chinese philosopher


Does Your Day-to-Day Work Inspire You?

  Does your day-to-day work inspire you? If not, what prevents you from making a purposeful move to a fulfilling, meaningful career? What real skills do you need to develop in order to make that move? Whatever the specifics of your situation, our human tendency is to stay stuck in old patterns far too long. This false identity distorts reality

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Investment in False Identity

  We have all invested much time in a false identity, and in order to live in everyday courage—from our heart and spirit, our true Self—we must invite some form of stopping. And just because we do not invite it willingly does not mean we can avoid it. From FACE IT! 12 Obstacles that Hold Y0u Back on the Job


Do You Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve?

  The definition of courage is “heart and spirit.” Your badge of courage logo: “I wear my heart on my sleeve.” Your courage resides in these places—where you shared an open heart, or experienced something truly pivotal. Research has shown that 75 percent of employees in America today are not engaged at work.  They show up for the paycheck but

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Stepping Up in Courage

  Stepping up in courage is like climbing a ladder. The first step on the ladder is low and wide. It does take a certain amount of courage to take that first step up, but that first step is the easiest–wide and close to the ground. As each consecutive step is higher and narrower, each step requires more courage than

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Howard Schultz’s Courage Perception

  Unless you have reflected intentionally in silence into your own heart and spirit, you cannot know your true Self. Silence breeds insight. Insights augment learning. What you think you stand for may turn out to be nothing more than spiritual bankruptcy disguised in complacency or conformity (courage killers). Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz showed courage branding when in a speech

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The Cause to Ensue the Search for Your Courage

  “Don’t aim at success–the more you aim at it and make it (your final) target, the more you are going to miss it. For true success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself. Listen to what your conscience

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Flaws and Feats (excerpt from STUCK 12 Steps Up the Leadership Ladder)

Queen Boudica courageously battled the occupying armies of Rome, but the Roman historians wrote her story from the angle that best suited their purposes. History has frequently glorified the wrong people, thereby controlling society’s perceptions. Like Florence Nightingale, many courageous women of the past held high their lamps of courage and refused to be deterred by other people’s negativity or

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