

Leaving the Dog-Eat-Dog World

  For all the readers who dream about leaving the dog-eat-dog world to pursue their life-long passion, start now! Finding the time to craft the almighty business plan or drumming up financial backing, you run the risk of fumbling the passion. So, if you’re bored, burned out or frustrated in your day job, dig into your heart and spirit (the

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Strong Intention

  “Strong intention plus dedication assisted by inspiration can surprisingly bring success, despite prior failures.” — David R. Hawkins, M.D., PH. D. Along the Path to Enlightenment


Do You Seek Feedback?

  “Courageous people seek feedback. They want to hear how others perceive them. Just like all workplace competencies, courage can be learned. To integrate a new level of self-discipline, you may need to face a paralyzing fear or confront patterns of denial. Sometimes what you are suited for is not on your radar. Isolating yourself to one career may hide

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The Courageous Spirit of the Female Entrepreneur

“Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow  the talent to the dark place where it leads.” — Erica Jong, Author   Imaginative…enterprising…visionary… self-assured…opportunistic…passionate… conscientious…resourceful—such are the expressions most people use to describe the courageous spirit of the female entrepreneur. While these descriptions are usually accurate, many people fail to see female entrepreneurs for what they really

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Are You Undervalued?

  Neglecting your courage is as easy as accepting a low salary, knowing all along that you are being undervalued. Why? Mainly because you do not ask. These experiences perpetuate invisibility. How willing are you to promote yourself and your skills? If you champion others, why can’t you champion yourself? From FACE IT! 12 Obstacles that Hold You Back on the Job


The Joy of Being in the Flow

When was the last time you sought out a difficult task that forced you to perform above your usual skill and knowledge levels? Intimidation, whether from an internal voice or external circumstances, only perpetuates StuckThinking™! To diminish dispiritedness and accentuate the joy of being “in the flow,” find the project that will focus your energies and challenge your abilities. Courageous

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Uncertainty–An Obstacle to Courage

  “Uncertainty is one of twelve obstacles that gnaws and manipulates us, many times without us knowing it. This unknowing creates a spiraling of unnecessary suffering—suffering that could have been prevented if there had been no attachments to the outcome. Attachment, like the word courage, is old French, attaché, meaning “nailed to.”  If instead we choose an appreciation for the

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Status Quo Fosters Denial

  “Establishing a status quo provides a sense of safety for the ego but eliminates mystery and the creative discovery it engenders. More importantly, status quo fosters denial by silencing courageous ideas and stymieing courage behaviors.” From FACE IT! 12 Obstacles that Hold You Back on the Job


Are You Having Fun at Work?

  Without clear intentions, leadership often succumbs to fear and seeks only to maintain the status quo. With a conscious heart, you can overcome fearfulness and begin to uncover the hidden hunger for genuine happiness at work. This starts with simple beginnings that include laughing at yourself. Are you having fun at work? Do you remain deeply consistent with your

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The Soul Becoming a Reality

  “The soul can become a reality again only when each of us has the courage to take it as the first reality in our own lives, to stand for it and not just ‘believe’ in it.” — James Hillman, American psychologist