

Dizzy Dean: “It ain’t braggin’ if you can do it!”

Many women think that speaking or acting in courage demonstrates offensive behavior even if they are conveying the truth. I call this tendency the “too syndrome”—too assertive, too independent, too intense, too bold, too honest, too smart. Ironically, when men demonstrate the same kind of behavior, they identify with baseball’s Dizzy Dean: “It ain’t braggin’ if you can do it!”

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How Women Can Hit the Bull’s-Eye with Courage (Every Time)

  When we think of courage in present day society, we instantly see images of a super hero slaying bad guys or a soldier braving an onslaught of enemy fire. Yet the origin of courage is much closer to the actions that we take every day. Aristotle reminds us, “Courage is the first of human virtues because it makes all

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Confront uncomfortable truths

  Speaking with courage means learning to speak with your own voice, to express the truth that flows from your own “heart and spirit”—the opposite of fear of ridicule and being ostracized. (Candor is a cousin to courage.) Only by learning to express ourselves from our own courageous identities can we begin to employ the courage action that moves us

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Best Lights Shine in the Workplace

  The fundamental nature of vulnerability and its relationship to strengthening courage is not quantifiable. With self-awareness, we begin to notice our personal forms of manipulation—from bullying to indifference to passive aggressive behaviors. Facing a decisive moment provides an opportunity to reveal vulnerability. Revealing vulnerability allows our best lights to shine into the workplace. The difficulty arises from the ego

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“Give Me the Damn Pill!”

  When someone writes about courage I am intrigued. Why am I curious? I always wonder: “What’s going to be their angle?” Every day I receive Google Alerts highlighting articles that use the word courage, women and courage or courageous leadership. Most of the articles address physical courage such a famous athlete overcoming an injury, an innocent child suffering from

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Acronym for COURAGE

  Acronym for COURAGE: Courage Opens Untapped Reservoirs And Generates Energy™.


Take Your Courage to Work!

  When someone writes about courage I am intrigued. Why am I curious? I always wonder: “What’s going to be their angle?” Every day I receive Google Alerts highlighting articles that use the word courage, women and courage or courageous leadership. Most of the articles address physical courage such a famous athlete overcoming an injury, an innocent child suffering from

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4 Myths about Courage at Work

  Debunking a few myths about courage in the workplace:  1.  Most People Display Courage at Work Like demonstrating ethical standards, most people tend to be followers. There are loads of stories that when asked or told to do something unethical, most people will do what they are told. With courage, when a situation requires you to display your heart,

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“Honey, you ever seen a U-Haul truck pull up with the Hearse?”

  If there were one item you could take with you when you pass on, what would it be? My dear and gracious friend “Aunt Gert” said many times, “Honey, you ever seen a U-Haul truck pull up with the Hearse?” You cannot take it with you! “An attachment, writes Anthony De Mello in Awareness, is a belief that without

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“Facing Death”–If I’d Had More Courage!

  With permission, this beautiful poem, “Facing Death” is posted for you to embrace. I felt it aligned with my article In My Eleventh Hour: “I Wish I’d Had More Courage.” Facing Death By Joyce Rupp O ETERNAL LOVE, it will soon be time to return home to you. My soul is ripening for its final journey as my body

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