Best Lights Shine in the Workplace


The fundamental nature of vulnerability and its relationship to strengthening courage is not quantifiable. With self-awareness, we begin to notice our personal forms of manipulation—from bullying to indifference to passive aggressive behaviors. Facing a decisive moment provides an opportunity to reveal vulnerability.

Revealing vulnerability allows our best lights to shine into the workplace. The difficulty arises from the ego mentality that refuses to believe this, insisting instead that vulnerability is a sign of weakness that must be hidden. While this may seem sensible in the workplace, the deeper truth is that revealing your vulnerability represents integrity and conveys your true identity. The alternative—hiding your mistakes and weaknesses—can only be accomplished through manipulation, which undermines your integrity, breeds distrust and stifles your true “heart and spirit” identity. As poet e.e. cummings wrote, It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.


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