Sandra Walston


Segment #10: Confront Abuse

Recognizing first red flags that undermine success such as a client trying to discount your services or alter your course of action is a critical courage action. To stand in your dignity and confront a red flag means denial is not an option. Denial is a form of self-abuse that creates suffering depicted in sleepless nights. Denial is probably the

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Segment #9: Live Convictions

One working woman told me that applying her courage at work requires that she demonstrate daily an unconditional commitment to her beliefs, values and ideals. This is not an easy commitment to maintain, especially if you are stuck in invisibility—an obstacle to courageous action. Are you willing to showcase your talents, take a chance, face failure, overcome rejection and say

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Segment #8: Reinvent Self

One of the keys to productivity is to have the courage to do things differently. That is probably why many traditional organizations are constantly trying to reinvent their leadership models and redefine expectations. Strategizing means the ability to re-create daily, not just during the annual budget meeting at corporate headquarters. There’s a tendency for people to naturally know this. Rather

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Segment #7: Reveal Vulnerability

The storms that enter a courageous person’s work life offer opportunities for an honest assessment of what I call the “vulnerability meter.” This vulnerability indicator comes in many forms, such as acknowledging unhappiness, learning to move on through disastrous events and learning not to manipulate failures or mistakes. While this may seem like a sensible behavior pattern for anyone who

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Segment #6: Conquer Fear

True fear is a survival signal that sounds only in the presence of danger; yet, our culture is stuck in the creation of dualities, such as courage or fear (pretty/ugly, peace/disaster or bad/good). In other words, our culture perpetuates, “You can’t have courage without fear.” Not true! If you go to work and learn your biggest client has gone to

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Segment #5: Speak Up

People at work witness what we stand for, and straight (unambiguous) talk gets attention. Why? Because this type of candor is uncomfortable for most people. Most people are also stunned when they hear candor which is why candor is one of twelve cousins to courage. Speaking with courage means learning to speak with your own voice, to express the truth that

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Segment #4: Reflect Self-Esteem

All your actions reflect who you are and what you stand for. If you’re repeating a certain behavior that you don’t like, don’t editorialize! Look inside and ask, “What old script needs adjusting?” To move out of an old “B movie” that old scripts inflict, sharpen your skills and abilities through education, reading and training, and surround yourself with the

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Segment #3: Manifest Vision

There are no shortcuts when it comes to manifesting career success, so it’s important to know where you want to go and develop a crystal clear vision of your intention (and I don’t mean to write your goals). To me, intentions are more important than five year goal projections. One way to accomplish this is to develop your SQ (Spiritual

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Segment #2: Hurdle Obstacles and Take Risks

Every behavior a courageous person exhibits is a choice. There is a big difference between knee-jerk reactions, being foolhardy and applying courage consciousness. Choose the risks you take so you can creatively navigate your way around, through, or over any obstacles that cross your path. Courageous people know that mediocrity is the kiss of death, so take the risk and

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What Tim Tebow Can Teach Us About Organizational Leadership

Posted by Nicole Konkoly on December 14, 2011 Christian athlete Tim Tebow, the current starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos, continues to make headlines, not only for his contribution to the team’s recent “miraculous victories”, but for his exceptional leadership qualities. Tebow, recently named one of the Best Leaders of 2011 by a panel of leadership experts, is often recognized

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