Sandra Walston


Imagined Disability

“Every disability is imagined. Every achievement an experience. Develop your courage to overcome your imagined disability.” ~ Yogi Bhajan 


A Burst of Courage!

  I received recently an email from a woman that read, “I had a thought burst forth from within and it went something like this: WOW! I am going through so many personal changes that require one common thread…courage! I wonder is there is such a thing as a ‘courage coach?’ Just remember: courage is an inside job!


Courageous Leadership—A Portrait of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  If you find value in this piece, it is an excerpt from FACE IT! (my third book). Then you may wish to read the full chapter. Click HERE.  History frequently glorifies the wrong individuals while overlooking the courageous acts of everyday people. Through intimidation, social, political and religious powerbrokers control perceptions and perpetuate the stories that serve their agendas. Few human beings have

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The Echo of Kind Words

    “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” — Mother Teresa


Light My Fire!

“Genius is talent set on fire by courage.” — Henry van Dyke, American author, educator and clergyman


Courageous Leadership Skills: Backers and Busters

Courage is often is considered as taking bold life or death actions: someone who runs into a burning building to save a child or lands a plane on the Hudson with no deaths as Captain Sully Sullenberger did. But, there are every day examples that demonstrate courage actions—the actions that reveal our “heart and spirit” (the original definition of courage)

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Level of Self-Love Depicted in Courage Level

The experience of self-love reveals itself around my level of courage. I constantly monitor my spirit and ask, “Is my reservoir of courage brimming over or is it low?” Generally there is a correlation: if my reservoir of courage is low, then usually my self-love is waning. I know that courage is a state of mind, and I must diligently

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Courage Thought for the Day

“Courage is the catalyst that will elicit self-wareness. What’s your level of courage consciousness?” — Sandra Ford Walston


Spiritual Courage at Work–Part II

With over sixteen years of extensive and original research on a simple word called courage, I have been amazed how people have difficulty embracing and applying the original definition of courage (“heart and spirit”) that I wrote about in my previous blog posting. Upon reflection, we have not had a tool that concretely defines the actions of courage such as

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Do You Know Your Courage?

“You cannot learn courage by doing something you already know!” — Sandra Ford Walston, The Courage Expert and Innovator of StuckThinkingTM