Sandra Walston


The 9 Enneagram Personality Types at Work

“To see ourselves as others see us is a most salutary gift. –Aldous Huxley Each of the nine Enneastyles is rooted in a specific viewpoint or belief structure that largely determines what is important to you and how you interact with the world to fulfill your hopes and dreams. Naturally you interpret other people’s behaviors through your own lens of

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Flaws and Feats

Flaws and Feats (excerpt from STUCK 12 Steps Up the Leadership Ladder) Queen Boudica courageously battled the occupying armies of Rome, but the Roman historians wrote her story from the angle that best suited their purposes. History has frequently glorified the wrong people, thereby controlling society’s perceptions. Like Florence Nightingale, many courageous women of the past held high their lamps

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Action or Inaction, That Is the Question

  Your courage is at the highest when you choose to take action; inaction saps the will of your character.


Pause and Reflect

  ‘Everyday courage is standard equipment in everyone,’ believes The Courage Expert, Sandra Ford Walston. ‘When self-doubt creeps in, ask: ‘How can I act with courage?’ Pause and reflect – it’s likely that you already know what action is required. But knowing isn’t enough! Courage requires you to then take action; whether that’s standing alone on a business issue, or confronting

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Be Courageous

  “Be courageous. It’s one of the only places left uncrowded.” — Anita Roddick  


Courage and a New Welcome to Life

WE ALL SEEM to feel the shifts of uncertainty that are occurring at multiple levels in our lives including our spirit. Acknowledging these feelings about how we approach our daily our lives will hopefully open up an opportunity to stop and reflect about our behavior patterns prompting us to ask questions. Ask yourself: Are you stuck in denial, apathy, self-doubt

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3 Scripts that Keep Women Stuck at Work

Be courageous. It’s one of the only places left uncrowded. — Anita Roddick Even in today’s workforce, far too many women face seemingly insurmountable obstacles to their success. Repeatedly running up against the same barriers, they find themselves stuck in dead-end jobs or unfulfilling careers. What is required is that you take time to recognize the mask of “scripts” that

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Self-Love and Your Level of Courage

The experience of self-love reveals itself around my level of courage. I constantly monitor my spirit and ask, “Is my reservoir of courage brimming over or is it low?” Generally there is a correlation: if my reservoir of courage is low, then usually my self-love is waning. I know that courage is a state of mind, and I must diligently

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What Keeps Women from Claiming Their Courage?

Today, more than ever, women will have to make tough choices based on contradictory advice. What can you do about this dilemma, and how can you determine where you’re stuck in the decision-making process? Most of us are stuck in one place or another whether it’s denial, uncertainty or blame. If we look to the pages of history, we find

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True Fear

  True fear is a survival signal that sounds only in the presence of danger; yet, our culture is stuck in the creation of dualities, such as courage or fear (good/bad, pretty/ugly, peace/war, etc.). In other words, you can’t have courage without fear. Not true! Let’s say you’re an entrepreneur. You go to work and learn your biggest client has

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