Sandra Walston


Leading Women: 20 Influential Woman Share Their Success to Leadership, Business and Life

  Hard-won insights and advice from 20 smart, amazing women leaders, including yours truly, Sandra Ford Walston, The Courage Expert.  


The Power of Being Courageous at Work

  By Sandra Ford Walston, The Courage Expert True courage comes from a place deep within each of us, not from synapses firing based on intellectual prowess, education, titles or credentials. Courage is much more than brains or mental capabilities, it is a discipline. Demonstrating courageous leadership at work and living a courageous life come from an energy springing from

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  By Sandra Ford Walston, The Courage Expert   You’re so courageous, They exclaimed. No, not I! I decried. Deflection’s so easy The slight of a gaze The shrug of the shoulder The blush of unease The stare of not seen. ‘I do what I gotta do’ To discount each praise. Courageous, you say? Not I!   My actions are

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Identify Regret and Choose a New Response

  Courage is not something we stumble upon as we round the corner of the cubicle at the office, but a practical internal resource—a portfolio of personal assets that can bolster our position in defining moments. A woman I will call Emily, an art gallery owner, repeatedly relied on courage in her work. She moved from Colorado to California and

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One Woman’s Perspective on the Value of Courage

  “I like to use words like dedicated, determined and committed to define myself even though that often does not resonate with me. After reading Sandra Walston’s first book, COURAGE The Heart and Spirit of Every Woman/Reclaiming the Forgotten Virtue, I was surprised by my reaction to the concept of courage. When I start to think about what I do

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Creating a Vision

In any enterprise, creating a vision requires individuals to aim at the same target. Metaphorically speaking, many individuals (and organizations) shoot rifle shots as they try to create a vision. But often, the shots are scattered, rather than orchestrated in the same direction. Why is there a tendency for this to happen? The “vision” or mission statement is stuck in

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How to Up Your Courageous Leadership Quotient in Finding Future Leaders

  Succession planning, or passing the baton of leadership, is a big priority for many organizations. Yet, so many HR executives spend their time just putting out fires trying to quickly hire talent for a given job or bringing the candidate back nine times fearful they may not make the perfect hire. Often, they’re interviewing future leaders by asking traditional

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Is Intimidation Holding You Back? Courageous Leadership is the Answer!

  “If intimidation is holding you back, look for a tough project to tackle, but remember this courage paradox: start by stopping! The commitment to reflection will provide a clearer picture of what you need to do to get where you need to be. Then, you won’t be a victim of intimidation.” From FACE IT! 12 Courageous Actions that Bring Success at

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What Makes a Courageous Woman?

SIGN UP for my free monthly courage newsletter. Courageous women keep pressing forward when they have been passed over at work. They restructure their goals, take charge and manifest a new vision. Whammo, they have reinvented themselves one more time. Settling is not an option. They know courage is an inside job, and “managing up” is the key to stepping

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Courageously Forthright on Equal Pay Day 2014

Courageously forthright action does not undermine a woman’s femininity. It does, however, reveal a woman’s willingness to showcase her talents. Jill demonstrated her talents and caught the attention of a city manager. When he phoned Jill to discuss an administrative position, she knew that negotiating the salary would be difficult. “He saw me as someone who could assist him with

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