Sandra Walston



“Difficulties and obstructions throw a man back upon himself. While the inferior man seeks to put the blame on other persons, bewailing his fate, the superior man seeks the error within himself, and through his introspection the external obstacle becomes for him an occasion for inner enrichment and education.” — I Ching  


The Book is Not the Cover

  “Appearance is not essence, perception is not reality, and the cover is not the book. Error is quite often convincing, which is an unpleasant fact to consider and accept. Everyone secretly believes that his or her own personal view of the world is real, factual and true.” — David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.


“Courage, Empowerment or Bravery—What’s the Difference?”

  People have frequently asked me, “Is courage the same as empowerment and bravery?” I don’t think so. Here is how I believe these vitally important concepts are distinctly different. Courage is an internal process. It occurs when you make a conscious decision to tap into and use your inner “reservoir” of heart, which you might not have even realized

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Does Your Courage Quotient Match Your Success Quotient?

  Too busy to notice your everyday actions. Caught in a mindset that has you reacting like a bad version of “Groundhog Day?” When you begin to live in the present you can recognize when you are selling your soul. For example, people assume that finding a new job will be difficult, so they remain complacent, mistakenly believing—or simply hoping—that things

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Podcast: Courage – An INside Job!

Posted: January 16th, 2015  Click Here to Listen to the podcast. Sandra Ford Walston is known as the Courage Expert, an internationally published speaker and author with over 20 years of original research on feminine courage, everyday courage and courageous leadership. Her three books include COURAGE The Heart and Spirit of Every Women/Reclaiming the Forgotten Virtue, FACE IT! 12 Courageous Actions that Bring Success at

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Identify Regret and Choose a New Response

  Courage is not something we stumble upon as we round the corner of the cubicle at the office, but a practical internal resource—a portfolio of personal assets that can bolster our position in defining moments. A woman I will call Emily, an art gallery owner, repeatedly relied on courage in her work. She moved from Colorado to California and

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“Claim Your Courage in 2015” Exercise

  Here’s an exercise to help you “Claim Your Courage in 2015.” Find a specific experience in your life when you were proud of yourself. Maybe people said, “I am so proud of you!” Relive the experience and determine which of the twelve behaviors of courage from the “Source Wheel” you applied (link to “Source Wheel” diagram: ( This action

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Organizations Who Apply Effective Courage


Escape the Self-Deception of Denial

  How do you define yourself? This is an important question that requires reflection. For example, do you perceive the steps in your life as courageous, or does your ego’s perception of life as survival define your existence? To change this perception requires you to stop, embrace the present and seek the support of others who refuse to encourage your

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Examples of Higher Integral Levels of Courage Consciousness

  How many of these examples do you display daily?   They are willing to give themselves permission to claim their courage. They distinguish and aptly apply the 12 behaviors of courage found on the Source Wheel. They have a fierce resolve to act and to be advocates (BTW, mentors see associates to the threshold of power; advocates apply action

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