Sandra Walston


The Path to Manifest Success

  On the path that you design to manifest your vision of success, your courage consciousness expands and reflects who you are. Take just a few minutes to reflect on the choices you make, for unconscious choices tend to keep you in a state of self-neglect, a condition dominated by falsehood, deception and illusions. Rest assured, self-actualization requires deep and

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Find Who You’re Becoming in the Magic of a Morning

  How do you feel about your work life? Are you living in joyful childlike innocence, or are you an overanxious, controlling adult? One easy way to find out is to take advantage of that first slice of stillness just as you awaken. You can ask a question about something, and the truth will reveal itself with a simple “yes

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Leading Women book review by Dr. Nancy O’Reilly

  “The bull’s-eye that we women must learn to hit consistently is the true Self.” ~Sandra Walston, The Courage Expert   When an empowering woman and advocate for women ask another author to participate in contributing a chapter to her book, you want shout with joy, and I did. What a compliment and an honor. This is why I am

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Keynote for Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce

April 22, 2015 keynote luncheon for the downtown Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce.   “We will know that we have achieved equality when women are noted and praised for their unique brand of steadfast courage.” – Sandra Ford Walston, The Courage Expert. Thank you for your inspirational talk at today’s Downtown Luncheon, Sandra! Also, a huge thank you to our

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What is Everyday Courage?

  “Unfortunately, most people mistakenly equate courage with perilous situations requiring feats of heroic bravery. This view fails to recognize the everyday courage required to explore new ideas, create innovative businesses, break from consensus, transcend rejection, keep the faith or take the initiative.” From FACE IT! 12 Courageous Actions that Bring Success at Work and Beyond


Courageous Leadership—a Lifestyle Choice

  Courage leadership is a lifestyle choice. Ask yourself: “Why would I want to exhibit the efficiency that courageous leadership enables?” You will discover that there is a direct correlation between your “courage quotient” and your “success quotient.” When you begin to live in the present you can recognize when you are selling your soul. For example, people assume that

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Personal Stories

  “We seek mirrors of what we determine to be the essence of our personal life stories, such as ‘I am unworthy of success.’ We live and die in the mirrors we create for ourselves on our journeys.” COURAGE The Heart and Spirit of Every Woman/Reclaiming the Forgotten Virtue


Speaking from the Heart–That’s Courage!

  Recently, a man wrote to me: “I have noticed that when I speak from my heart and not just from my head, the message gets through more clearly and with more effect. I usually don’t say anything unless I feel moved to do so. Sometimes this works well, but other times I do have the regret that I didn’t speak

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The Importance of Courage at Work

  In today’s business world, the importance of everyday courage cannot be over-emphasized, especially for those of us who must balance the demands of family and career. Consider these very real situations. Behind closed doors, a manager bullies and denigrates an employee. The best-qualified person is passed over for a promotion (again). An employee realizes that he has made an

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Q & A with UK Rene Da Costa, Consultant, Renecents Solutions

UK-based consultancy Interview Questions from Renecents Solutions (updated 02/01/2015):: Q1. You are recognised for your powerful work as a courage speaker, trainer and Courage Coach but how would you define courage? Is it different for different people? Let’s start with a foundation that reveals a few perspectives about what courage is and is not, and then move into my research

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