Sandra Walston


Do You Know the Facets of Courage?

To recognize courage, it helps to distinguish the various facets of courage. Some of us manifest certain types of courage well but come up short in other areas. Try to detect which elements you exhibit and which courage features need to be unleashed in your life. Spiritual courage. The spiritual journey requires being in the present. It is a trust

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Psychological Freedom—The Courage to Step Up the Leadership Ladder

Freedom has so many connotations. How would a courageous employee define freedom? I had to stop and think about this. I know a courageously observant person reevaluates their identity to discover what is true and vital, and then summons their courage to step up the leadership ladder. The opposite of this would be the employee (regardless of title) who stays

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Viktor Frankl: Make Courage Your Daily Legacy

  It’s hard to imagine a more fitting example of courage than Viktor Frankl. He made courage his daily legacy, and he still challenges us long after his death, asking the question, “What is the meaning of your life?” Few people can match Viktor Frankl’s courage, and in a life rife with ambiguity he did not hesitate to confront uncomfortable

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Feminine Courage—Do You Have It? Be an Activist!

  What’s your definition of courage and why is it vital to claim it for yourself? Are you curious about why only 11 percent of more than 750 women I researched for five years (out of twenty years) perceived themselves as courageous? Interviews with the courageous 11 percent made it clear that these women manifest their courage in specific ways.

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What Is Genius?

“Genius is talent set on fire by courage.” – Henry Van Dyke, (1852-1933) was an American Presbyterian clergyman Genius should not be confused with IQ (intelligence quotient). “It would be more helpful to see genius as simply an extraordinary high degree of insight in a given area of human activity. … Genius can be more accurately identified by perseverance, courage,

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Best Lights Shine in the Workplace

  The fundamental nature of vulnerability and its relationship to strengthening our courage is not quantifiable. Inviting self-awareness, we begin to notice our personal forms of manipulation—from bullying to indifference to passive aggressive behaviors. Facing a decisive moment provides an opportunity to reveal vulnerability. Revealing vulnerability allows our best lights to shine into the workplace. The difficulty arises from the

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Too Busy to Write a Thank-You Note?

  No one is ever too important or too busy to send a written “thank you” in a thank-you card! Yet, I am continually surprised at how few thank-you notes are sent these days.  Sure you can go the free and easy route using email with a thank-you image, Facebook messages or Bitmojis, but these options don’t display the personal

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Finding Courage During Times of Uncertainty

  The biggest obstacle faced by today’s business leaders can be summed up in two words: unprecedented uncertainty. Failure to acknowledge this new reality is to live in denial and risk not just a company’s success, but its very survival. Thinking differently and being willing to challenge the status quo during times of uncertainty requires courage. In fact, today’s business

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Queen Boudicca’s Courage to Face Intimidation

Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. — C. S. Lewis (Currently playing in theaters is a movie called “Denial.” Based on a true story, at the end of the movie there is a bronze statue of Queen Boudicca—here’s her brief story—an excerpt from The Courage Difference at Work:

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What We Give to Life

In Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl wrote, “Don’t aim at success—the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued: it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of one’s dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as

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