Sandra Walston


Benefits of Demonstrated Courage

What are some benefits if everyone demonstrated more courage? Less artificial harmony Freedom to be vulnerable; less worry Increased efficiency and effectiveness Improved individual and organization performance Bottom Line: means increased participation in all regions Improved quality and productivity Moved the company forward More cohesiveness Successful and flourishing departments that create a dynamic company and fulfilling careers Progress in the

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A Time to Renew One’s Spirit in Courageous Will

  Spring is a time of rebirth, renewal and optimism for a beautiful life—one that is filled with heart and spirit—the etymology of the word courage. Spring is a time to die to the false Self and welcome the true Self. Planting a seed in your spirit called “courageous will” supports you to grow and rejoice allowing you to awaken

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Courage, Empowerment or Bravery—What’s the Difference?

People have frequently asked me, “Is courage the same as empowerment and bravery?” I don’t think so. Here is how I believe these vitally important concepts are distinctly different. Courage is an internal process. It occurs when you make a conscious decision to tap into and use your inner “reservoir” of heart, which you might not have even realized you

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Spring, a Time to Renew One’s Spirit: Applying Courageous Will

Spring is a time of rebirth, renewal and optimism for a beautiful life—one that is filled with heart and spirit—the etymology of the word courage. Spring is a time to die to the false Self and welcome the true Self. Planting a seed in your spirit called “courageous will” supports you to grow and rejoice allowing you to awaken this

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Mother’s Day, An Important Reminder Why Moms Need to Validate Their Children’s Courage

This Mother’s Day Is An Important Reminder Why Moms Need to Validate Their Children’s Courage Published May 12, 2017 at 10:00 am on Girl Talk HQ–thank you Asha Dahya. Angela Cortez’s sixteen-year-old daughter had an eye-opening experience when her mom mustered her courage to share that when Chantal was a little girl they had lived on food stamps. Angela also shared

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Arising Presence

“The arising of Presence is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity for the survival of humanity.” —Eckhart Tolle  


Courage Opens All Doors!

“In oneself lies the whole world, and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself.” — Jiddu Krishnamurti “When one door closes, another door opens,” states an old adage. How many of us

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12 Interview Questions to Flush Out Courageous Leadership Skills

  Traditional interview skills used to seek how the candidate would handle a situation in the future. Now, behavioral interview skills ask a potential candidate how they handled a situation in the past. In the behavioral interview, the interviewer has decided on the skills they are seeking and assess, based on the responses, how you behaved. What if you aspired

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Courage Taught or Learned?

Courage Taught or Learned? My research demonstrates that courage exists within each of us, and I believe that courage is your birthright! When you allow your courage to surface, you learn to cultivate and nurture it. How you learn to recognize and manifest your courage does not really matter. What matters is your receptivity. That being said, having a parent

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The Tonic Called Courage—How Elizabeth Fry (1780–1845) Transformed the Women’s Prison

Born into a happy and prosperous English family, this deeply inspired nineteenth-century Quaker woman shifted her focus from a life of privilege to the invisible lives of the unwanted and despised. With principled persistence, practicality and deep-felt convictions, she followed her heart and changed how underprivileged women were incarcerated. Elizabeth Gurney Fry (1780–1845) developed her public career at Quaker meetings

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