Sandra Walston


Courageous Leadership Skills: Busters and Backers

Courage is often considered taking bold life or death actions: someone who runs into a burning building to save a child or lands a plane on the Hudson with no deaths, as Captain Sully Sullenberger did. But there are everyday examples that demonstrate courageous actions—the actions that reveal our heart and spirit (the original definition of courage) such as taking

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4 Myths that Undermine Courage at Work

Debunking four courage myths that linger in the workplace: Most People Display Courage at Work Like demonstrating ethical standards, most people tend to be followers. There are loads of stories that when asked or told to do something unethical, most people will do what they are told. With courage, when a situation requires you to display your heart, do you

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What is Too Much Courage?

What is Too Much Courage? How can you ever have too much courage—and I don’t mean being foolhardy or brave? Why is it that people will change only when the pain of staying in the old pattern is greater than the pain of change? Why linger in so much suffering? There is a simple choice: you can choose to build

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Attachments: How They Undermine Your Courage!

If there were one item you could take with you when you pass on, what would it be? My dear and gracious friend “Aunt Gert” said many times, “Honey, you ever seen a U-Haul truck pull up with the Hearse?” You cannot take it with you! “An attachment, writes Anthony De Mello in Awareness, is a belief that without something

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Reframing the Concept of Courage

Reflections of how a woman reframed her concept of courage… “I like to use words like dedicated, determined and committed to define myself even though that often does not resonate with me. After reading Sandra Walston’s first book, COURAGE The Heart and Spirit of Every Woman/Reclaiming the Forgotten Virtue (endorsed by Marianne Williamson), I was surprised by my reaction to

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Bull’s-Eye Courage

Hitting the bull’s-eye means being on target. English longbow yeomen in small hamlets often held archery practice after church services, the only time when many of them could gather. A common target was the white skull of a bull, and the greatest skill was illustrated by getting a bull’s eye. Before practicing the skills needed to hit the bull’s-eye in

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Moms Share Their Stories of Courage with Their Children

Moms, how would you answer this question? The most courageous step I ever took as a mom was when I…   When moms share their stories of courage with their children it provides an opportunity to celebrate those anecdotes. With this intention, then, and only then, will courage become a virtue ingrained in their children’s psyche. This starts early in

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Aging Well Requires Courage

Aging well means you live in your true Self. As an 11th hour hospice volunteer for eight years don’t make your life just work, work, work, work, dead!


“Courageous Leadership” with Tiana Sanchez Podcast

“I’m thrilled to share this link with you. Check out my interview on “Courageous Leadership” with Tiana Sanchez on the show Like a REAL Boss!” Reach out for 31-minutes to grab some courage before it’s too late!


Keynote Testimonial 2018

Once in a while someone takes the time to write an amazing endorsement about courage keynote in Canada. Thank you MOHANDAS BALAKRISHNAN for being that man: “The best keynote speaker I have ever seen, Sandra Ford Walston. We can’t forget her performance in Vancouver during AGN Conference. Her ability to interact with large audience on a one to one basis

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